About the Space Race

From the Moon Landing to Mars Missions

The Space Race of the 20th century sparked incredible achievements, and now humanity is looking toward Mars and beyond. The journey is far from over.

The Early Years

The Cold War space rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union led to incredible feats, including the first human in space and the iconic moon landing.

Space Innovation Fund

Support the Future of Space Exploration

Mars Exploration

Exploring Mars

Your contribution helps fund the next-generation Mars rovers and missions that aim to uncover the mysteries of the Red Planet.

Space Technologies

Innovation in Space Tech

Help advance the development of cutting-edge technologies for deep space travel and exploration.

Satellite Advancement

Satellites for Science

Support the development of new satellites to monitor space weather, Earth’s atmosphere, and interplanetary conditions.

Upcoming Space Missions

The Next Steps in the Space Race: What’s Coming in the 2020s and Beyond

Get in touch

Have questions or want to collaborate? Reach out to us today, and our team will be happy to assist you with all your inquiries!